As you begin, continue, and complete your certification in Medical Billing & Coding at Salter College, you will likely be thinking a lot about where you will work when you finish school. The healthcare industry is booming and growing, so there is a seemingly never-ending need for medical professionals of all types, including medical billing and coding specialists. With your expertise in medical coding, basic claims process, and medical insurance, the possibilities of where you can work are great. The most common choices for a career in medical coding and billing are as follows: doctor’s offices, hospitals, dental offices, nursing homes, medical equipment suppliers, and insurance companies
However, there are a couple other options for where you can begin your career as a medical billing and coding specialist. Third party billing offices are often overlooked by newly certified medical specialists as a great place to begin working. Self-employment is also often seen as something far too risky and with a lower opportunity for growth and increased income. However, both third party billing offices and self-employed medical billing and coding specialists are becoming more prevalent, important, and sought after in today’s medical industry. Here are some pros and cons of both of these employment options
Third Party Billing Office Employment
Many medical facilities are beginning to realize that outsourcing their medical billing and coding is a great way to save time, money, and stress. Rather than hire someone who still requires extensive training, medical facilities can turn to third party billing offices and know that their entire staff is fully trained and highly qualified, with many resources available to them.
Third party billing offices have more advanced technology available to them, which will result in your learning much more about your profession than if you had worked in a regular medical facility. You will be surrounded by other medical billing and coding experts, and you will learn the best and most efficient way to complete tasks. With the healthcare industry constantly and rapidly changing, third party billing offices will be up-to-date and prepared to handle any change in processes or regulations so that their clients don’t have to worry about that. This means you would learn quickly about the newest changes in medical billing, and you will become more than proficient in adapting.
Self-Employment as a Medical Billing & Coding Specialist
While self-employment does carry its own risks and responsibilities, the freedom that comes with it simply cannot be understated. Many medical facilities are beginning to outsource medical billing and coding, and as a self-employed specialist, you can meet the needs of many small businesses on your own schedule. Whether you have children, like to travel, or just want freedom from a 9-5 job, self-employment as a medical billing and coding specialist is a great, but over overlooked, option.
You may work from your own home or you may travel to various medical offices to complete work. You will set your own hours, and keep in mind that there are many opportunities to work days, nights, and weekends, depending on what you prefer.
Many Options for Salter Graduates
There are clearly many career opportunities for someone who has just completed his or her medical billing and coding certification from Salter College. Keep your options open and explore every possibility, and you will surely find yourself in a career and position that you love!